
Random Thoughts on Gun Violence & Safety

By on Jan 17, 2013 in Commentary |

Can we get past the hammer/chainsaw/baseball bat/etc. talk? Guns are meant to shoot living or inanimate targets, period. They serve no other purpose. People will kill with whatever tool they have if they are determined enough. However, guns kill much faster; they require much less intimate association/contact with the victim. They are a much more effective tool than a hammer, bat, knife, chainsaw, icepick, etc., if a sick soul wants to cause carnage. The “if he had used a baseball bat they would outlaw baseball bats” argument is facetious.

A Well-Regulated Militia

By on Jan 13, 2013 in Commentary |

Consider that the amendment was ratified back in 1791; the weapon they used back then was a musket. There were no atomic bombs, tanks, AR-15s or M16s or RPGs or SAMs around at that time. Did the Founders intend for the amendment to apply only to the musket? It doesn’t say that in the amendment. No specific weapon is identified. This is open for interpretation.