
Get the ball rolling…

By on Nov 9, 2012 in Commentary |

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Let’s start the ball rolling.

I’m a liberal; a Democrat. I consider myself a moderate. My passion is social issues, but I do believe in fiscal responsibility.

Our country is not 47% Democrat and 47% Republican; that may be the general labels, but our individual passions put all citizens on various spots on the continuum. Many people were elated at the results of the election and many others felt dejected. However, the passion that we put into our discussion and arguments about who was the best person for the job remains.

During the run-up to the election, and because we only have two major parties, folks had to pick their camp and vote for that candidate. I’ve ready many articles that talk about how Obama is quite conservative, compared to Democrats of the past; that he could be considered a Republican by some standards. Arguably, the face/direction of the GOP away from the “big tent” talk of the early 2000’s and more ultra-conservative.

What do you think the GOP will look like in 2016? Will it re-orient itself to it’s pre-Tea Party directions/policies?

What about the Democrats? Do you think a movement more liberal/left of Obama will appear?

– Aaron