
A Well-Regulated Militia

By on Jan 13, 2013 in Commentary |

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militiaman*** A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. ***

Okay. Consider that the amendment was ratified back in 1791; the weapon they used back then was a musket. There were no atomic bombs, tanks, AR-15s or M16s or RPGs or SAMs around at that time. Did the Founders intend for the amendment to apply only to the musket? It doesn’t say that in the amendment. No specific weapon is identified. This is open for interpretation.

We can look at the 2nd Amendment in two ways: (a) the only arms people can have are muskets; or (b) the people can have ANY arms they want.

Already the government prohibits the sale and use of many types of weapons, so why is it against the 2nd Amendment for the government to ban additional ones and/or add new limitations and stipulations?