
Lipstick on a Pig

By on Nov 18, 2012 in Commentary |

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nprAnother take on the GOP Governors meeting in Las Vegas; this one from NPR.

My takeaway from this story is that the GOP lost due to its *strategy*, not the issues. Granted, the Dems had a hugely successful ground campaign that got out a lot of voters. Besides getting out those voters, was it a challenge to convince those voters to vote for Obama (et al.)? I’d argue that those voters were predisposed to voting for Democrats … but may have just need to be motivated to actually get out and vote.

For the GOP, just changing strategy is akin to putting lipstick on a pig. I think the GOP is in for a rude awakening if they have not smelled the coffee yet that — while fiscal issues are of great concern to many voters — social issues, like immigration, marriage equality, etc., may be a bigger factor in who the electorate is voting for, going forward.

— Aaron
