
Raise the Minimum Wage

By on Nov 30, 2012 in Commentary |

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minimum-wageGreat sentiment from the Progressive News Network.
The Walmart protests, the outrage from Hostess execs court approved golden parachute and fast food workers fighting for better wages taken collectively is definitely a sign of things to come. The Occupy movement would be well advised to change their focus toward supporting the workers in these and other struggles. From these struggles will come real positive change if they are successful.
And to dovetail on this idea, I do believe that a rising tide lifts all boats. If workers can get paid livable wages, they are more likely to put that extra income back into the economy and a better economy will cause an increase in hiring, etc.Any time there is talk of raising the minimum wage, there is hyperbole spoken by many talking heads about how it will put companies out of business. As long as wages stagnate, and the cost of living increases, the middle class will continue to be stuck. — Aaron