
Take-Aways from the Moore Tornado Tragedy

By on May 21, 2013 in Commentary |

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Oklahoma-Tornado-May-20-20131I think my biggest take-away from such a tragic natural disaster like the Moore tornado, is that any one of us can go from riches to rags within a very short time. Could be a tornado, could be a lost job, foreclosed house, mental illness, or many other things.

On FB I’m seeing many discussions about the fact that OK’s senators voted against aide for Superstorm Sandy victims, and all of the political hay that that entails. That “conversation” is sure to continue for days.

Wherever we live in this country, whatever our “lot” in life, there are still many things that are out of our control: weather-inflicted, or otherwise. The truth is that many policymakers often do what is politically or ideologically expedient, but not what is the best for all citizens — especially the most vulnerable ones.

It would be incredible if all of our public servants saw the humanity and loving-kindness in/of the country’s citizens and not brand those in need as “moochers” or “takers”. Any one of us could instantly be someone in need. How different would our country be if we looked at each person in need as someone who is simply trying to survive their own personal disaster?

— Aaron